Temporary closure of the store for quarantine
The company "New House" informs you about temporary closing of the store for the period of quarantine, from March, 28th till May, 11th, 2020, in execution of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
Dear customers!
We inform you about temporary closing of the store for the period of quarantine, from March, 28th till May, 11th, 2020 in execution of the Decree of the President of Russian Federation. The work of the retail store at the address: Izhevsk, Salyutovskaya street, 31 will be suspended.
Reception in urgent situations only by prior arrangement:
Secretary / Kondratyeva Daria: +7 (3412) 46-47-00;
Specialist on public procurement / Blank Roman: +7 (909) 060-60-67;
Security: +7 (919) 919-08-63;
E-mail: info@palizh.ru
If you have an appointment, please have your temperature checked. If you have a temperature above 37 and have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, visitors will not be allowed. When you enter, treat your hands with a hand sanitizer.
After the end of the quarantine, the store will resume its normal operation.
Our company apologizes for the inconvenience and hopes for your understanding of the situation.
We sincerely wish you and your families health and patience! Don't get sick! And heed the advice of doctors.