For decorative work on wallpaper, brick, concrete, canvas and other surfaces. To give color, it can be tinted with universal tinting pastes "Palizh". Apply with any convenient tool: brush, sponge, roller in 1-3 layers on a pre-prepared surface (dry, cleaned, fat-free). Dry each layer — about 30 min.
The consumption per 1 layer is 70-100 g per m2. After use, carefully close the jar. Store in a dry room at a temperature of +5 to + 30 ° C.
Shelf life in unopened containers of the manufacturer is 36 months. For decorative varnish with UV protection - 24 months.
Freezing is allowed during transportation for a period of no more than 1 month. Withstands 5 cycles of freezing / defrosting, retains its properties after thawing and thorough mixing.